Smallest 4A Switching Regulator Simplifies Designs and Improves Reliability

Maxim Integrated Products (NASDAQ: MXIM) introduces the MAX15040, a low-voltage (2.4V to 3.6V), synchronous switching regulator in a 2mm x 2mm wafer-level package (WLP). This miniature step-down regulator integrates MOSFETs to simplify design, minimize EMI, improve reliability, and save board space. The MAX15040 operates from a fixed 1MHz switching frequency to further reduce total solution size, as it allows all-ceramic-capacitor designs. Offering efficiencies up to 94% at full load current (4A), this point-of-load regulator minimizes power loss in applications such as telecom, networking, and server equipment.

Other features include an enable input and power-good indicator for power sequencing, adjustable soft-start for controlled turn on, and the ability to safely start up into a prebiased output. The MAX15040 provides ±1% output-voltage accuracy over temperature and is fully specified over the -40°C to +85°C extended temperature range. Prices start at $2.17 (1000-up, FOB USA).

Maxim Integrated Products is a publicly traded company that designs, manufactures, and sells high-performance semiconductor products. The Company was founded over 25 years ago with the mission to deliver innovative analog and mixed-signal engineering solutions that add value to its customers' products. To date, it has developed over 6400 products serving the industrial, communications, consumer, and computing markets.
Satellite IF Switch IC Expands to Allow 16 Signals

Maxim Integrated Products has introduced the Max12005, an 8 x 4 satellite IF switch IC that is flexible and adaptable to suit space-constrained, satellite IF distribution and multiswitch applications. Its 8 x 4 matrix is configured with an additional IF switch input so that it can expand to accept up to 16 satellite input signals.

The Max12005 supports a single, quad low-noise block (LNB) with vertical or horizontal polarisation signals that can be matrix-switched to four satellite receivers. A configuration of eight satellite IF inputs to eight satellite receivers is also possible by using two Max12005 ICs and adding eight input splitters. Signal quality is maintained even with high cable-signal losses.

Four integrated 9:1 multiplexers with variable-gain input and output amplifiers provide sufficient gain to compensate for the signal-path losses in the cable distribution and for switch insertion losses. To save space and cost, the Max12005 utilises two control methods: DiSEqC 2.0 decoding and tone/voltage decoding. These control methods enable four operational modes, which include LNB mode for use within the LNB mentioned above, cascade master mode, cascade slave mode, and single mode.

Furthermore, the four embedded DiSEqC decoders eliminate the need for external control components. The Max12005 is fully specified over the -40 to +85C extended temperature range and available in a small 7 x 7mm, lead-free, 48-pin TQFN package. Prices start at USD7.44 (GBP4.69).
MEMS Oscillator has Low Power Consumption

MSC now offers SiTime's SiT8004 MEMS oscillator in the 125 to 150MHz frequency range, with low standby current, suitable for use in 'green' DDR, SAS, SATA, HDMI and video pixel clock applications. Key features include 6.5mA typical power consumption and 1.2uA ultra-low standby current. Frequency stability of the oscillator device varies between +/- 20 and +/- 50ppm, according to the supply voltage of 1.8, 2.5, 2.8 or 3.3V applied.

Four industry-standard packages from 2.5 x 2.0 to 7.0 x 5.0mm are available. Thanks to its 50 to 75 per cent lower power consumption compared to similar standard quartz oscillators, the SiT8004 is suitable for use in 'green' DDR, SSD, SAS, SATA, HDMI and video pixel clock applications as well as 1-Gigabit Ethernet, GPON and EPON network applications.
MLCC Capacitors can be Used in Harsh Environments

Now available, Holy Stone's compact 'Verti-Zontal' (vertically oriented, horizontally stacked) MLCC capacitors are designed for applications with limited headroom, requiring a high-CV product. This SVZ Series orients individual capacitors vertically, limiting the overall height while the stack itself extends horizontally across the mounting area on the board.

The low ESR design allows for very high CV in the available footprint space. The compact yet high-CV design of these Verti-Zontal stacks is suitable for power applications including input and output filters. Its lead frame construction isolates the MLCC from both thermal and mechanical stresses, which can be problematic with large capacitors.

The Holy Stone design provides outstanding mechanical integrity as the design provides for individual leads to be centred on each cap insert. The low centre of gravity provides superior shock and vibration resistance, so they can be used in harsh environments. The SVZ series is also available using Holy Stone's high-temperature dielectric in temperature ratings up to 200C, in which case it is called the HVZ series.

Geothermal History

n 2010, GTP published a series of four history reports on Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States. The reports highlight the history and significant accomplishments of major research programs and projects in geothermal energy exploration, drilling, reservoir engineering and energy conversion in the United States from 1976-2006.
Download A History of Geothermal Energy Research and Development in the United States, 1976-2006:

Technology Validation

GTP works to ensure the viability of applying EGS technology to the production of geothermal energy in the United States. GTP partners with industry in its research and development efforts to verify the application relevance of geothermal technologies and to enhance deployment prospects. This technology validation work is being accomplished through GTP's Field Projects efforts.

Hydrothermal Power Generation

The geothermal power generation industry in the United States is one of the leaders in the world in increasing growth in electric power production from hydrothermal resources. Installed capacity in 2008 is nearly 3,000 megawatts. The industry and technology, however, continues to face challenges in lowering drilling and production costs and in expanding the resources available for production to wider geographic areas. GTP continues to support research and development activities and partnerships to encourage the U.S. geothermal community meet these challenges.

Enhanced Geothermal Systems

Retrofit of a new direct contact condenser at The Geysers
GTP supports R&D activities and partnerships in developing and advancing EGS technologies. EGS are engineered reservoirs created to produce energy from geothermal resources that are otherwise not economical due to lack of water and/or permeability. EGS technology has the potential for accessing the Earth's vast resources of heat located at depth to help meet the energy needs of the United States. DOE estimates that the application of EGS technology is capable of providing at least 100,000 MW of electricity within 50 years.

Photo of a contact condenser

GTP is committed to achieving EGS technology readiness by 2015, and while the R&D effort reflects the long-term goal of cost competitive power production, demonstrating EGS technology applications in the near-term is also important. GTP is facilitating the research and technology developments needed to permit EGS to become a continuous base-load power source in the United States.
To learn more about EGS, watch our EGS animation or read The Basics of Enhanced Geothermal SystemsPDF.

Key R&D Activities

Current work is active in, or planned for the following areas:

Site Selection

Site selection is focused on:
  • Prioritization of sites for future EGS development and estimating the size of the economic EGS resource.
  • Low-risk, economical EGS site selection and characterization capabilities.
  • Drilling, casing, and preparing the wells for simulation and production.

Site Characterization

Identification of preexisting subsurface formation characteristics in order to establish a baseline from which to measure the effectiveness of reservoir creation efforts.

Reservoir Creation

Stimulation of the target formation by fracturing to create the subsurface heat exchanger component of the EGS system.

Reservoir Validation

Improved geophysical methods for downhole detection of fractures and water flow for validation of created EGS reservoirs

Interwell Connectivity

Accurate detection of reservoir characteristics including fluid pathways, dynamics, residence time, etc.

Reservoir Scale Up

Optimization of use of wells and sidetracks. to economically exploit EGS resources

Reservoir Sustainability

Management of EGS reservoirs for maintenance of reservoir lifetime and productivity.

Integrated Systems Research Program Technical Sessions

January 4th and 6th, 2011
AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting (ASM)
Orlando, FL

As part of the 49th ASM being held at the Orlando World Center Marriott in Orlando, Florida, the NASA Aeronautics Integrated Systems Research Program (ISRP) will host two technical sessions on January 4th and 6th.

During these sessions, key NASA aeronautics personnel will share their latest plans and research results from ISRP and the Environmentally Responsible Aviation (ERA) Project with fellow technologists, interested experts, and groups from industry, academia, other federal agencies, and the international community.

The technical sessions provide an excellent opportunity to gain insight into the NASA aeronautics mission, as well as program and project details and to exchange viewpoints. Jaiwon Shin, associate administrator of the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate, will be the introductory speaker.

Session 1: Tuesday, January 4, 2011
8:00 AM-Noon (0800-1200)
Chair: Dr. Edgar G. Waggoner/Co-Chair: Ms. Jean B. Wolfe
Location: Grand Ballroom 8A

Integrated Systems Research Program / Environmentally Responsible Aviation Project Updates
Time Event
8:00 AM (0800) NASA Aeronautics Update
Dr. Jaiwon Shin
8:30 AM (0830) Status Update on NASA's Integrated Systems Research Program
Dr. Edgar G. Waggoner
9:00 AM (0900) Status Update on NASA's Environmentally Responsible Aviation Project
Dr. Fayette Collier
9:30 AM (0930) Assessing Progress Towards Simultaneous Reductions in Noise, Fuel Burn and NOx
Craig Nickol and Larry Leavitt
10:00 AM (1000) X-48B Blended Wing Body Ground to Flight Correlation Update
D. Vicroy and Tim Risch
10:30 AM (1030) Drag Reduction Status and Plans – Laminar Flow and AFC
Anthony Washburn, Ethan Baumann and Albion Bowers
11:00 AM (1100) Airframe Noise Reduction Status and Plans
Mehdi Khorrami
11:30 AM (1130) Status of Advanced Stitched Composite Aircraft Structure
Dawn Jegley and Alex Velicki

Session 2: Thursday, January 6, 2011
2:00 PM-5:30 PM (1400-1730)
Chair: Dr. Fayette Collier/Co-Chair: Ms. Gaudy Bezos-O'Connor
Location: Grand Ballroom 8A

Integrated Systems Research Program / Environmentally Responsible Aviation Project Updates
Time Event
2:00 PM (1400) Status Update on Environmentally Responsible Aviation (ERA) Project
Dr. Fayette Collier
2:30 PM (1430) Fuel Flexible, Low NOx Combustors for Reducing Emissions
Chi-Ming Lee
3:00 PM (1500) Improving Engine Efficiency Through Core Developments
James Heidmann
3:30 PM (1530) The Promise and Challenges of Ultra High Bypass Ratio Engine Integration
Chris Hughes and Steve Smith
4:00 PM (1600) Re-establishing Open Rotor as an Option for Significant Fuel Burn Improvements
Dale Vanzante
4:30 PM (1630) Status of Hybrid Wing Body Community Noise Assessments
Russell Thomas
5:00 PM (1700) Advanced Vehicle Concepts for Simultaneous Reductions in Noise, Fuel Burn, and NOx
Mark Mangelsdorf and Gaudy Bezos-O'Connor

Building Materials & Construction

New Insulation for Retrofitting Existing Buildings
Student: Ellann Cohen
Buildings consume too much energy. For example, nearly 14% of all the energy used in the United States goes towards just the heating and cooling of buildings. Many governments, organizations, and companies are setting very ambitious goals to reduce their energy use over the next few years. Because the time periods for these goals are much less than the average lifetime of a building, existing buildings will need to be retrofitted.
There are two different types of retrofitting: shallow and deep. Shallow retrofits involve the quickest and least expensive improvements often including reducing infiltration around windows, under doors, etc and blowing more insulation into the attic. Deep retrofits are those that involve costly renovation and typically include adding insulation to the walls and replacing windows. A new, easily installable, inexpensive, and thin insulation would move insulating the walls from the deep retrofit category to the shallow retrofit category and thus would revolutionize the process of retrofitting homes to make them more energy efficient.
For my thesis, I am working on the development of a new, easily installable, inexpensive and thin insulation. The basic design idea for this new insulation is to have a silica aerogel (the lowest thermal conductivity material known today) based insulation that will have superior insulative properties as compared to conventional insulations. It will also be thin enough that it can be installed on the inside walls of buildings while still adding substantial R-value.
Composite Materials for Building Envelopes
Principal investigators: Leon Glicksman, Leonard Morse-Fortier, Lorna Gibson, John S. Crowley
Sponsors: Alcan International Ltd., Dow Chemical USA, GAF Corp., Hoechst-Celanese, Macmillan Bloedel Ltd., Miles Chemical Corp., USG Corp., Certaineed Corp., GE Plastics and Weyerhauser Co.
Traditionally the envelopes of houses are site-assembled from basic components with separate materials serving as the structural members, the weather shield, and the thermal insulation. In this recently completed project composite materials were developed that combined these separate functions. In addition, a construction system well suited to automated fabrication and simple field assembly is being developed. A proof-of-concept roof system, the first product of this research, is based on innovative design and analysis strategies and is compatible with conventional systems while minimizing house-specific design. The roof components include thin-ribbed stress-skin panels, a multi-function ridgebeam and a spline-connection scheme.
Advanced Thermal Insulations
Principal investigator: Leon Glicksman
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Energy
New buildings and renovated existing buildings, as well as appliances, can be made more energy efficient by the use of insulations which are more compact for the same level of performance. Recently completed research on closed-cell foam insulation improved its insulating performance and at the same time allowed it to be manufactured with elements which are not hazardous to the environment (in particular which do not deplete the ozone layer). Advanced insulation, which includes a composite of foam and vacuum technology, was also developed.
Thermal Insulation for Developing Countries
Principal investigators: Leon Glicksman and Les Norford
Sponsors: ICI Polyurethanes, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
In a number of resource-poor developing countries, buildings are constructed of masonry material without thermal insulation. In winter, these buildings are uncomfortably cold or even uninhabitable. MIT is developing a low- cost thermal insulation for such countries. The feedstock for the prototype insulation is straw, a by-product of wheat threshing. The investigations have focused on straw density, the type and amount of binder needed to make straw panels, thermal and structural tests, and means of attaching the panels to stone walls and applying a surface finish. MIT students have made on-site surveys and prototype tests in Pakistan.
Identification and Promotion of Locally Sustainable Building Construction Methods for Latter-stage Slum Improvement
Principal investigator: John E. Fernandez
Sponsor: 3M Innovation Award
Slum-improvement strategies are a result of conclusions drawn from the most successful projects that have addressed city-center squatter communities. While the factors that need to preside in successfully addressing the needs of the residents of these settlements are complex and necessarily mutable depending on location and overall purpose of the project, it has been recognized by a wide range of organizations that the upgrading, as opposed to physical removal, of slums is a better long-term solution. The creation of mechanisms, financial, political and institutional, that provide a well-conceived ‘package’ of service infrastructure and the establishment of land tenure are the most important first steps in alleviating the health risks and economic hardships that the residents endure. Later, the sustainability of these improvements should lead to an increased desire to upgrade the physical quality of the dwelling units themselves. This project proposes the identification of locally sustainable methods of construction for dwelling upgrade as a strategy for catalyzing the development of viable income producing activities within and adjacent to the confines of the slum itself. This promotion is in the service of establishing a sustainable process of continual slum-improvement after the work of this project has been completed. The identification of construction methods and the consideration of innovative materials and assembly systems will contribute to a realistic proposal for a set of building components to be used in the upgrade of dwelling units. The location of the project is to be determined.
Center for Sustainable Materials and Building Envelopes
Principal investigator: John E. Fernandez
Sponsor: Department of Energy
The study of sustainable materials necessarily involves an extremely large set of scientific and economic criteria to reasonably establish a productive comparative analysis. While a number of systems have been proposed and developed, none has secured a clearly predominant position over all others. Therefore, it is necessary to glean from a great number of sources the necessary information and rating criteria to offer a current and productive assessment of the state of rating materials for their sustainable value. This proposal offers to study the available literature and tools for determining the sustainability of construction materials for the purpose of:

  1. establishing the state of the art of ratings systems and their attendant criteria,
  2. identifying the most recent and important innovations in sustainable material technologies, and identifying key areas for further research.
Three-dimensional Fiber Textile Composites for Use in Construction
Principal investigator: John E. Fernandez
Three dimensional fiber composites have resulted from a search for viable alternatives to 2D composite laminates. As a result of increasing concern regarding the difficulty with which 2D composites have been able to address delamination from impact, in-plane shear stresses and transfer of axial and bending stresses between adjacent composite elements, 3D fiber textile composites (FTCs) have recently received greater attention. For many reasons, the industrial application of 3D FTCs has lagged far behind the use of 2D composites in high-performance industries such as aerospace and large-scale marine structures. However, several isolated yet noteworthy applications have been implemented in less demanding performance scenarios for civil and architectural structures. The lower level of performance requirements makes the use of 3D FTCs a possible way in which to lighten and strengthen typical structural and non-structural components used in civil and architectural structures. In addition it is possible that 3D FTCs may provide a versatile medium for the inclusion of specialized fibers for a variety of enhanced properties. One particularly interesting possibility arises from the inclusion of “smart” or “responsive” fibers within the architecture of the 3D FTC.
Natural Fiber Reinforcement of Large-Scale Composite Polymer Panels
Principal investigator: John E. Fernandez
Recently, natural fibers (NF) have been investigated as filler materials capable of serving as localized tensile reinforcement and volume fillers within several types of polymer matrices. A number of natural fibers have been under continued investigation for use in natural fiber reinforced polymer composites (NFRC); including wood fiber, jute, sisal, kenaf, flax, wheat straw and bamboo. These fibers have been coupled in a matrix primarily composed of two commodity plastic matrix materials: polyethylene (PE) and polysytyrene (PS). While specific mechanical properties of natural fibers vary according to the particular fiber, the overall performance of natural fibers lies within a relatively tight range as a result of similar molecular composition. An increasing amount of interest has developed over the past few years for NFRCs because of their ease of production, subsequent increase in productivity, cost reduction, lower density and weight and use of renewable resources. The automobile industry has begun to apply NFRCs in a variety of exterior and interior panel applications. The significant weight savings and the ease and low cost of the raw constituent materials have made NFRCs an attractive alternative material to glass and carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites. However, further research needs to address significant material and production obstacles before commercially available NFRCs are widely used in architectural and civil works.
Fiber Reinforcement of a Composite Exterior Wall Panel for the Purpose of Resisting High-velocity Impact Events
Principal investigator: John E. Fernandez
The introduction of fiber reinforcing into the exterior finish component of an exterior wall assembly may aid in preventing catastrophic failure of the integrity of the wall during events in which high-velocity impact is likely. The most important events to address are those conditions caused by naturally occurring high winds and blast events. During these events, it has been observed that a wide range of objects become lethal projectiles that pose significant hazards to both personal injury and property damage. While layered polymer composites have demonstrated an increasing level of resistance to projectile impact, significant difficulties remain that require further research. In particular, delamination from low and high velocity impact has been a major problem that threatens the structural integrity of the panel. The use of composites for exterior sheathing is a growing area for research and architectural and civil applications in the US, and especially in Europe and Japan. For the advancement of the use of large-scale composite panels for exterior sheathing, further research regarding resistance to impact should be undertaken.
Self-healing Smart Fiber Inclusion into an Air/vapor Barrier Textile Substrate Material
Principal investigator: John E. Fernandez
Self healing fibers have received a significant level of interest primarily with applications for inclusion in reinforced concrete as a crack management strategy. These “smart fibers” have been added as discrete elements within the concrete matrix. The self-healing fibers are primarily fluid-filled hollow capillaries that contain a bonding agent that, when released, slow or prevent the spread of a crack through the concrete matrix. Self-healing fibers have also been proposed as a strategy for addressing debonding events between the concrete matrix and reinforcing bars. Another application is proposed for this type of smart fiber. The management of the transfer of heat through an exterior wall is an important aspect of the thermal performance of that envelope; one that is substantially compromised by air infiltration and exfiltration. Standard building practice, especially in residential construction, usually requires that a membrane be applied to the building volume to reduce the movement of air between the interior and exterior. Any discontinuities in this membrane may allow for the passage of air to and from the exterior. Self-healing fibers, as an inclusion within the weave of an air/vapor barrier textile, will be studied as a strategy for passively sealing the miscellaneous discontinuities that arise during the application and lifetime of the membrane.
Incorporation of a Smart Fiber Network within a 3D Fiber Textile Composite Near-net Preform Structural Member for Remote Structural Monitoring
Principal investigator: John E. Fernandez
3D fiber textile composites are a type of fiber architecture that allows for the inclusion of a variety of fiber types within a three-dimensional near-net preform network. The inclusion of monitoring “smart fibers” within the architecture of the woven material allows for the through-member permeation of a fibrous sensor material. Typical fiber materials used for stress and strain monitoring are optical glass fibers linked to a central processor. In this way it is possible to gather important information regarding the health of a structure during construction and during its lifetime from a remote location. The study proposes to evaluate fibers for inclusion within a 3D FTC structural member as well as propose various sensor network architectures most productive for the applications listed. The materials chosen need to conform to the stresses inherent in the pultrusion and weaving processes during the production of the standardized structural forms.

Masters of Education Program Requirements

Completing Your Program of Study Plan.  The Program of Study is a contract between the student and the University describing the specific courses that will make up the student's program.  We recommend you do this during your first semester in the program in order to plan for and balance your student, professional, and personal lives while completing your degree. Select the link for the appropriate program (depending on when you entered the M.Ed. program).  Create a draft of your plan and email to your advisor for his review.  Once you both agree on a plan, print the final plan, sign it, and mail it to your advisor at the address provided on the forms.
Should you need additional clarification on course selection, Program of Study completion, etc., we recommend you make a 1/2-hour appointment with you advisor.  Dr. Downey is the advisor for students whose last name begins with A - L; Dr. Smith advises students with last names beginning with M-Z.
Program of Study Forms
M.Ed. Program (CCO)         M.Ed. Program (CES)
[currently unavailable;
contact Ileana Gonzalez]
        Adobe PDF (592K)

NOTE: Students who enrolled in the M.Ed. program from Fall 2008 through Fall 2009 should use the "CES" Program of Study form. All other students should use the "CCO" Program of Study form.
A Program of Study plan must be approved by the end of the second semester of the student's course work or before the student has completed 15 hours of graduate course work, whichever occurs first. If this requirement is not met, the student will be placed on pending status and will not be able to register for classes until the pending status is removed. When the Program of Study form is approved by the College of Education, a copy will be returned to the advisor and the student, and a notice will be sent to the Associate Dean for Programs that the student's program has been approved.

Join the Instructional Technology Student Association (ITSA).  ITSA is your opportunity to extend your learning beyond the online and traditional classrooom environments. Each semester ITSA offers workshops on current and emerging technologies (e.g., Flash, Second Life, etc) and host social events (e.g., IT Orientation Night, canoe trips, etc) to expand your IT skill set and professional network. Joining ITSA is FREE and instructions for joining the ITSA organization in Blackboard and subscribing to the ITSA email list (which is how you hear about job openings, workshops, etc) are provide on the ITSA Web at:

Acquiring Recommended Sofware.  While the purchase of the following software is NOT required, we do highly recommend that you consider purchasing the Adobe Creative Suite - Design Premium from the USF Computer Store. The Design Premium suite has the major software packages you will be using throughout your M.Ed. program (e.g., Photoshop, Dreamweave, Flash, etc) and is available from the USF Computer Store at a significant discount versus retail prices ($349 as of May 2010). If you already have access to the software applications contained in the Design Premium suite (see the Adobe site for details) you're welcome to use your existing copies; otherwise, you should consider buying this software suite as you will be using these packages throughout your M.Ed. program.

Building Ventilation and Diagnostics

System Identification and Optimal Control for Mixed-Mode Cooling
Student: Henry C. Spindler (Mechanical Engineering)
Advisor: Leslie K. Norford, Professor of Architecture
The majority of commercial buildings today are designed to be mechanically cooled. To make the task of air conditioning buildings simpler, and in some cases more energy efficient, windows are sealed shut, eliminating occupants’ direct access to fresh air. Implementation of an alternative cooling strategy–mixed-mode cooling–is demonstrated in this thesis to yield substantial savings in cooling energy consumption in many U.S. locations.
A mixed-mode cooling strategy is one that relies on several different means of delivering cooling to the occupied space. These different means, or modes, of cooling could include: different forms of natural ventilation through operable windows, ventilation assisted by low-power fans, and mechanical air conditioning.
Three significant contributions are presented in this thesis. A flexible system identification framework was developed that is well-suited to accommodate the unique features of mixed-mode buildings. Further, the effectiveness of this framework was demonstrated on an actual multi-zone, mixed-mode building, with model prediction accuracy shown to exceed that published for other naturally ventilated or mixed-mode buildings, none of which exhibited the complexity of this building. Finally, an efficient algorithm was constructed to optimize control strategies over extended planning horizons using a model-based approach. The algorithm minimizes energy consumption subject to the constraint that indoor temperatures satisfy comfort requirements.
The system identification framework was applied to another mixed-mode building, where it was found that the aspects integral to the modeling framework led to prediction improvements relative to a simple model. Lack of data regarding building apertures precluded the use of the model for control purposes.
An additional contribution was the development of a procedure for extracting building time constants from experimental data in such a way that they are constrained to be physically meaningful.
Ventilation Control Strategies
Principal investigator: Les Norford
Sponsors: MIT Physical Plant, Northeast Utilities and Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation
Building space-conditioning systems often perform at poor part-load efficiencies because there is limited information feedback from individual offices and because part-load operation has led to large throttling losses. The increased use of microelectronics and power electronics in building control systems offers two benefits for ventilation systems: first, fans can be controlled not by adjusting dampers that throttle flow but by regulating the speed of the motor; and second, by communicating with digital rather than analog flow-regulation dampers in each occupied space, the central fan can be slowed to the speed that minimizes pressure drops across these dampers. A recently completed program tested and analyzed both of these benefits, with the goal of quantifying energy savings and providing to building owners, control manufacturers and electric utilities the information needed to make informed decisions about investing in new technologies. The performance of ventilation systems was monitored in several buildings and models were developed to correlate fan power with airflow and pressure.
Electric Metering and Diagnostics
Principal investigators: Les Norford, Steven Leeb, James Kirtley
Sponsors: Electric Power Research Institute, Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation and Johnson Controls
Common electric meters are well developed electromechanical devices with little or no intelligence. The electric utility industry requires extensive load survey data to plan for future power generation needs and to prove the efficacy of utility-supported conservation programs. Customers would benefit from the same data, to assess energy usage and to detect and diagnose equipment faults. The Building Technology Program has joined the Laboratory for Electromagnetic and Electronic Systems at MIT to design and develop a meter that can separate loads from measurements made at a single point within a commercial building, to reduce or eliminate the need for expensive submetering of individual pieces of equipment.
Simulation of HVAC System Performance
Principal Investigators: Les Norford, Philip Haves (Loughborough University, U.K.)
Sponsor: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
Heating, ventilating, and air- conditioning (HVAC) systems are often poorly controlled. Engineers have not been able to rapidly prototype HVAC systems, in simulation, and assess the performance of existing or innovative control systems, including interactions between individual feedback control loops. MIT and Loughborough University, UK, have joined forces to develop a simulation test-bed for the development and analysis of control systems for a large class of HVAC systems.

Degree Programs

The Building Technology Program offers two main degree programs:
» Master of Science in Building Technology (SMBT)
» Doctor of Philosophy in Building Technology (PhD)
The Building Technology Program also offers: Â
» Bachelor of Science in Arts and Design (BSAD)
» Master of Science in Architecture (SMArchS)

» Advanced Degrees in Related Fields 
Students may earn a degree in an engineering or science discipline while performing research under the direction of Building Technology faculty. These students must fulfil the course requirements of their home department. Students from Civil and Mechanical Engineering and from the Technology and Policy Program have participated in Building Technology research projects in this way.
Some students have elected to complete the degree requirements for both the S.M. in Building Technology and an S.M. in another discipline and have earned two degrees; this requires substantial course work and a thesis acceptable to both disciplines.
Some students wish to combine studies of building technology with training in architectural design. These students have several options: students already holding a professional architecture degree may apply to the S.M. in Architectural Studies program and specify a concentration in building technology; students seeking a professional architecture degree may apply to the Master of Architecture (M.Arch) program and focus on building technology via required and elective courses as well as a thesis topic; and students may apply for admission to both the Masters of Architecture and Building Technology Programs.
Students admitted to both programs will join each in sequence rather than simultaneously, completing the degree requirements of one before beginning the other; the S.M. in Building Technology and M.Arch degrees cannot be awarded simultaneously due to the demands of the S.M. in Building Technology thesis research and architectural design studio. Â

Building Energy Studies

Assessing Energy-Saving Potential of Different Roof Systems
Student: Stephen Ray, Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering
Previous studies suggest potential for energy savings through cool and green roofs, but do not always consider the many factors that affect potential savings or the relative advantages of different technologies. To further investigate these factors, a tool has been developed to allow architects the ability to quickly assess the energy-saving potential of different roof systems. A first principles heat transfer model has been developed for each of the roof technologies, with particular care for green roof heat and mass transfer. Experimental data from Japan and Florida validate the models by predicting roof surface temperature. This model is incorporated into the existing MIT Design Advisor to allow users the ability to include roofing systems in their energy analysis of a building. 

Infrared Thermography for the Comparison of Building Energy Envelope Performance in Residential Homes
Student: Kaitlin Ryan Goldstein
There are 120 million residential homes in the United States that are responsible for 20% of the United States’ total carbon emission. As energy has been relatively cheap for the past 20 years, the efficiency of these homes has been an afterthought during the construction process. We are thus left with an existing building stock with the potential to improve their consumption through efficiency measures alone from 15-40%.
In order to make a difference in these homes we must first understand where the problems are, and, which homes are the greatest consumers. Unfortunately, the current means by which this is accomplished, home energy audits, are time-consuming, involve full participation and commitment form the home-owner, and require a large, as of yet, untrained labor force. While these audits are essential there needs to be an independent means by which to understand the homes’ energy consumption, and in particular, heat transfer ( the loss or gain of energy) through the building envelope. This includes all of the parts of the building that interact with the outdoors including its exterior walls, windows doors and roof.
To understand energy consumption in buildings and to compare one home to another in a fast, efficient manner, we are developing a suite of tools centered around infrared thermography. Our research looks to take these pictures which give a representation of surface temperatures on the building surface from a remote vehicle driving past the neighborhood homes. The next step, and the focus of this research is to utilize these maps of surface temperatures along with measurements of prevailing external conditions to understand how the homes are interacting with their surroundings. From this, we will be able to back out the insulation, or R-values of the homes. We also hope to characterize how heat moves through the windows and doors and how much air is escaping from inside the building through infiltration.
The end goals is to be able to compare one home to another in a neighborhood and provide recommendations as to which homes should be targeted for retrofit and the most effective means by which to improve their envelopes. In addition, we hope to develop a map of efficiency potential within a neighborhood and calculate the respective returns on investment for various suites of improvements. This method is not only fast and efficient in the identification process but it also allows for return examination through the same mechanism and the comparison of performance pre and post retrofit to determine the efficacy of improvements.
Efficient Cooling Technologies for the Built Environment
Principal investigator: Les Norford
Sponsor: Masdar Institute of Science and Technology
One promising method for reducing the energy consumption of cooling systems is to reduce the pressure rise across the refrigerant compressor, a systems approach known as low-lift cooling that was pioneered by Armstrong at the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology. This requires increasing evaporator temperatures and decreasing condenser temperatures. Radiant cooling systems promote the former, through use of water at higher temperatures than the output of all-air cooling systems. Thermal storage in building mass promotes night cooling, when outdoor conditions allow lower condensing temperatures. Efficient motors and variable-speed motor drives for the compressor and auxiliary fans and pumps provide efficient low-load operation. Finally, a dedicated outdoor air system meets latent cooling loads.
Operation of this system to maximize performance requires model-based predictive control, which in turn demands component models that accurately capture component operation under a very wide range of conditions. Research at MIT includes test-stand measurements of component performance, physics-based modeling with parameter identification from measurements, identification of optimal operating points for a given cooling load and indoor and outdoor conditions, and evaluation of the performance of conventional and low-lift systems in a full-scale test chamber.
MIT Design Advisor
Principal investigator: Leon Glicksman
Sponsor: Permasteelisa Group
The MIT Design Advisor is a multi-purpose simulation tool designed to evaluate the performance of advanced building facade systems. By defining a set of building parameters and operating conditions, a building designer can simulate in realtime the energy requirements (heating, cooling, and lighting) and comfort levels (daylight, temperature) of a proposed design. This simulation presents the user with a convenient method of examining facade performance.
Existing analysis tools are typically very complicated, difficult to learn, and require a fully developed building design, making them unsuitable for preliminary design analysis. Efforts to improve building efficiency are typically left for the later stage of the design process, after the critical design decisions have already been made. Because early stage design decisions can have a dramatic impact on building performance, we offer this tool as a fast, simple way for a non-technical user to evaluate preliminary designs.
Building codes help to ensure that buildings meet a minimum standard of energy efficiency. To assist building designers, we are implementing a tool to test a proposed building design against two building code standards: ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2001, and the UK Building Code Part L.
The Design Advisor allows a user to simulate a single side of a building facade or an entire four-sided building. The four-sided simulation assumes that the features on each side of the building are identical. In practice, this is often not the case, and so we are developing added functionality to simulate a building with four different sides.
