Masters of Education Program Requirements

Completing Your Program of Study Plan.  The Program of Study is a contract between the student and the University describing the specific courses that will make up the student's program.  We recommend you do this during your first semester in the program in order to plan for and balance your student, professional, and personal lives while completing your degree. Select the link for the appropriate program (depending on when you entered the M.Ed. program).  Create a draft of your plan and email to your advisor for his review.  Once you both agree on a plan, print the final plan, sign it, and mail it to your advisor at the address provided on the forms.
Should you need additional clarification on course selection, Program of Study completion, etc., we recommend you make a 1/2-hour appointment with you advisor.  Dr. Downey is the advisor for students whose last name begins with A - L; Dr. Smith advises students with last names beginning with M-Z.
Program of Study Forms
M.Ed. Program (CCO)         M.Ed. Program (CES)
[currently unavailable;
contact Ileana Gonzalez]
        Adobe PDF (592K)

NOTE: Students who enrolled in the M.Ed. program from Fall 2008 through Fall 2009 should use the "CES" Program of Study form. All other students should use the "CCO" Program of Study form.
A Program of Study plan must be approved by the end of the second semester of the student's course work or before the student has completed 15 hours of graduate course work, whichever occurs first. If this requirement is not met, the student will be placed on pending status and will not be able to register for classes until the pending status is removed. When the Program of Study form is approved by the College of Education, a copy will be returned to the advisor and the student, and a notice will be sent to the Associate Dean for Programs that the student's program has been approved.

Join the Instructional Technology Student Association (ITSA).  ITSA is your opportunity to extend your learning beyond the online and traditional classrooom environments. Each semester ITSA offers workshops on current and emerging technologies (e.g., Flash, Second Life, etc) and host social events (e.g., IT Orientation Night, canoe trips, etc) to expand your IT skill set and professional network. Joining ITSA is FREE and instructions for joining the ITSA organization in Blackboard and subscribing to the ITSA email list (which is how you hear about job openings, workshops, etc) are provide on the ITSA Web at:

Acquiring Recommended Sofware.  While the purchase of the following software is NOT required, we do highly recommend that you consider purchasing the Adobe Creative Suite - Design Premium from the USF Computer Store. The Design Premium suite has the major software packages you will be using throughout your M.Ed. program (e.g., Photoshop, Dreamweave, Flash, etc) and is available from the USF Computer Store at a significant discount versus retail prices ($349 as of May 2010). If you already have access to the software applications contained in the Design Premium suite (see the Adobe site for details) you're welcome to use your existing copies; otherwise, you should consider buying this software suite as you will be using these packages throughout your M.Ed. program.
