Metso Automation launches the Metso intelligent control valves (ICV) suitable for both general and demanding applications in hydrocarbon processing plants. The company's ICV helps process plants to meet environmental regulations by using control valve constructions that are said to provide high performance, reliability and control accuracy. This control valve offering consists of eccentric rotary plug valves, V-port segment valves, Neles Rotaryglobe valves, high-performance eccentric disc valves and top-entry rotary control valves.
Metso's ICV rotary control valves can reduce fugitive emissions by eliminating the gland-packing leakages often associated with rising stem globe valves. Metso's non-leakage, live-loaded valve packing prevents the loss of raw material and also eliminates the need for gland-packing maintenance and its associated maintenance costs. The control performance of Metso's ICV results from the frictionless, backlash-free valve and actuator construction and valve-position control built into the Neles ND9000 intelligent valve controller.
The ND9000 valve controller provides 'best in class' performance that minimises process variability and enables true predictive-maintenance capabilities thanks to its embedded online diagnostics. Metso's valve offering includes the Neles, Jamesbury and Mapag brands, which are suitable for flow-control, ESD and automated on-off applications. Metso valves meet the specific needs of individual applications as well as of process requirements and international standards.