Integrated Systems Research Program Technical Sessions

January 4th and 6th, 2011
AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting (ASM)
Orlando, FL

As part of the 49th ASM being held at the Orlando World Center Marriott in Orlando, Florida, the NASA Aeronautics Integrated Systems Research Program (ISRP) will host two technical sessions on January 4th and 6th.

During these sessions, key NASA aeronautics personnel will share their latest plans and research results from ISRP and the Environmentally Responsible Aviation (ERA) Project with fellow technologists, interested experts, and groups from industry, academia, other federal agencies, and the international community.

The technical sessions provide an excellent opportunity to gain insight into the NASA aeronautics mission, as well as program and project details and to exchange viewpoints. Jaiwon Shin, associate administrator of the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate, will be the introductory speaker.

Session 1: Tuesday, January 4, 2011
8:00 AM-Noon (0800-1200)
Chair: Dr. Edgar G. Waggoner/Co-Chair: Ms. Jean B. Wolfe
Location: Grand Ballroom 8A

Integrated Systems Research Program / Environmentally Responsible Aviation Project Updates
Time Event
8:00 AM (0800) NASA Aeronautics Update
Dr. Jaiwon Shin
8:30 AM (0830) Status Update on NASA's Integrated Systems Research Program
Dr. Edgar G. Waggoner
9:00 AM (0900) Status Update on NASA's Environmentally Responsible Aviation Project
Dr. Fayette Collier
9:30 AM (0930) Assessing Progress Towards Simultaneous Reductions in Noise, Fuel Burn and NOx
Craig Nickol and Larry Leavitt
10:00 AM (1000) X-48B Blended Wing Body Ground to Flight Correlation Update
D. Vicroy and Tim Risch
10:30 AM (1030) Drag Reduction Status and Plans – Laminar Flow and AFC
Anthony Washburn, Ethan Baumann and Albion Bowers
11:00 AM (1100) Airframe Noise Reduction Status and Plans
Mehdi Khorrami
11:30 AM (1130) Status of Advanced Stitched Composite Aircraft Structure
Dawn Jegley and Alex Velicki

Session 2: Thursday, January 6, 2011
2:00 PM-5:30 PM (1400-1730)
Chair: Dr. Fayette Collier/Co-Chair: Ms. Gaudy Bezos-O'Connor
Location: Grand Ballroom 8A

Integrated Systems Research Program / Environmentally Responsible Aviation Project Updates
Time Event
2:00 PM (1400) Status Update on Environmentally Responsible Aviation (ERA) Project
Dr. Fayette Collier
2:30 PM (1430) Fuel Flexible, Low NOx Combustors for Reducing Emissions
Chi-Ming Lee
3:00 PM (1500) Improving Engine Efficiency Through Core Developments
James Heidmann
3:30 PM (1530) The Promise and Challenges of Ultra High Bypass Ratio Engine Integration
Chris Hughes and Steve Smith
4:00 PM (1600) Re-establishing Open Rotor as an Option for Significant Fuel Burn Improvements
Dale Vanzante
4:30 PM (1630) Status of Hybrid Wing Body Community Noise Assessments
Russell Thomas
5:00 PM (1700) Advanced Vehicle Concepts for Simultaneous Reductions in Noise, Fuel Burn, and NOx
Mark Mangelsdorf and Gaudy Bezos-O'Connor
