MEMS Oscillator has Low Power Consumption

MSC now offers SiTime's SiT8004 MEMS oscillator in the 125 to 150MHz frequency range, with low standby current, suitable for use in 'green' DDR, SAS, SATA, HDMI and video pixel clock applications. Key features include 6.5mA typical power consumption and 1.2uA ultra-low standby current. Frequency stability of the oscillator device varies between +/- 20 and +/- 50ppm, according to the supply voltage of 1.8, 2.5, 2.8 or 3.3V applied.

Four industry-standard packages from 2.5 x 2.0 to 7.0 x 5.0mm are available. Thanks to its 50 to 75 per cent lower power consumption compared to similar standard quartz oscillators, the SiT8004 is suitable for use in 'green' DDR, SSD, SAS, SATA, HDMI and video pixel clock applications as well as 1-Gigabit Ethernet, GPON and EPON network applications.
