Templates and Inheritance
A priori, there might be no reason to think that templates and
inheritance interact in interesting ways. If anything, we know from Chapter 9 that deriving from
dependent base classes forces us to deal carefully with unqualified names.
However, it turns out that some interesting techniques make use of so-called
parameterized inheritance. In this chapter we
describe a few of these techniques.
template techniques sometimes cause a class template to end up with many
different template type parameters. However, many of these parameters often have
reasonable default values. A natural way to define such a class template may
look as follows:
template<typename Policy1 = DefaultPolicy1,
typename Policy2 = DefaultPolicy2,
typename Policy3 = DefaultPolicy3,
typename Policy4 = DefaultPolicy4>
class BreadSlicer {
Presumably, such a template can often be used with the default
template argument values using the syntax BreadSlicer<>. However,
if a nondefault argument must be specified, all preceding arguments must be
specified too (even though they may have the default value).
Clearly, it would be attractive to be able to use a construct
akin to BreadSlicer<Policy3 = Custom> rather than
BreadSlicer<DefaultPolicy1, DefaultPolicy2, Custom> as is the
case right now. In what follows we develop a technique to enable almost exactly
that. [1]
[1] Note that a similar language extension for function call arguments was proposed (and rejected) earlier in the C++ standardization process (see Section 13.9 on page 216 for details).
Our technique consists of placing the default type values in a
base class and overriding some of them through derivation. Instead of directly
specifying the type arguments, we provide them through helper classes. For
example, we could write BreadSlicer<Policy3_is<Custom> >.
Because each template argument can describe any of the policies, the defaults
cannot be different. In other words, at a high level every template parameter is
template <typename PolicySetter1 = DefaultPolicyArgs, typename PolicySetter2 = DefaultPolicyArgs, typename PolicySetter3 = DefaultPolicyArgs, typename PolicySetter4 = DefaultPolicyArgs> class BreadSlicer { typedef PolicySelector<PolicySetter1, PolicySetter2, PolicySetter3, PolicySetter4> Policies; // use Policies::P1, Policies::P2, … to refer to the various policies … };
The remaining challenge is to write the PolicySelector
template. It has to merge the different template arguments into a single type
that overrides default typedef members with whichever non-defaults were
specified. This merging can be achieved using inheritance:
// PolicySelector<A,B,C,D> creates A,B,C,D as base classes // Discriminator<> allows having even the same base class more than once template<typename Base, int D> class Discriminator : public Base { }; template <typename Setter1, typename Setter2, typename Setter3, typename Setter4> class PolicySelector : public Discriminator<Setter1,1>, public Discriminator<Setter2,2>, public Discriminator<Setter3,3>, public Discriminator<Setter4,4> { };
Note the use of an intermediate Discriminator
template. It is needed to allow the various Setter types to be
identical. (You cannot have multiple direct base classes of the same type.
Indirect base classes, on the other hand, can have types that are identical to
those of other bases.)
As announced earlier, we're collecting the defaults in a base
// name default policies as P1, P2, P3, P4
class DefaultPolicies {
typedef DefaultPolicy1 P1;
typedef DefaultPolicy2 P2;
typedef DefaultPolicy3 P3;
typedef DefaultPolicy4 P4;
However, we must be careful to avoid ambiguities if we end up
inheriting multiple times from this base class. Therefore, we ensure that the
base class is inherited virtually:
// class to define a use of the default policy values // avoids ambiguities if we derive from DefaultPolicies more than once class DefaultPolicyArgs : virtual public DefaultPolicies { };
Finally, we also need some templates to override the default
policy values:
template <typename Policy> class Policy1_is : virtual public DefaultPolicies { public: typedef Policy P1; // overriding typedef }; template <typename Policy> class Policy2_is : virtual public DefaultPolicies { public: typedef Policy P2; // overriding typedef }; template <typename Policy> class Policy3_is : virtual public DefaultPolicies { public: typedef Policy P3; // overriding typedef }; template <typename Policy> class Policy4_is : virtual public DefaultPolicies { public: typedef Policy P4; // overriding typedef };
With all this in place, our desired objective is achieved. Now
let's look at what we have by example. Let's instantiate a
BreadSlicer<> as follows:
BreadSlicer<Policy3_is<CustomPolicy> > bc;
For this BreadSlicer<> the type Policies is defined
PolicySelector<Policy3_is<CustomPolicy>, DefaultPolicyArgs, DefaultPolicyArgs, DefaultPolicyArgs>
With the help of the Discriminator<> class
templates this results in a hierarchy, in which all template arguments are base
classes (see Figure 16.1). The important
point is that these base classes all have the same virtual base class
DefaultPolicies, which defines the default types for P1,
P2, P3, and P4. However, P3 is redefined in
one of the derived classes—namely, in Policy3_is<>. According to
the so-called domination rule this definition
hides the definition of the base class. Thus, this is not an ambiguity. [2]
[2] You can find the domination rule in Section 10.2/6 in the C++ Standardand a discussion about it in Section 10.1.1 o
Figure 16.1. Resulting type hierarchy of BreadSlicer<>::Policies
Inside the template BreadSlicer you can refer to the
four policies by using qualified names such as Policies::P3. For
template <... > class BreadSlicer { … public: void print () { Policies::P3::doPrint(); } … };
In inherit/namedtmpl.cpp you can find the entire
We developed the technique for four template type parameters,
but it obviously scales to any reasonable number of such parameters. Note that
we never actually instantiate objects of the helper class that contain virtual
bases. Hence, the fact that they are virtual bases is not a performance or
memory consumption issue.
The Empty Base Class Optimization (EBCO)
C++ classes are often "empty," which means that their internal
representation does not require any bits of memory at run time. This is the case
typically for classes that contain only type members, nonvirtual function
members, and static data members. Nonstatic data members, virtual functions, and
virtual base classes, on the other hand, do require some memory at run time.
Even empty classes, however, have nonzero size. Try the
following program if you'd like to verify this:
// inherit/empty.cpp
#include <iostream>
class EmptyClass {
int main()
std::cout << "sizeof(EmptyClass): " << sizeof(EmptyClass)
<< '\n';
For many platforms, this program will print 1 as size
of EmptyClass. A few systems impose more strict alignment requirements
on class types and may print another small integer (typically,
16.2.1 Layout Principles
The designers of C++ had various reasons to avoid zero-size
classes. For example, an array of zero-size classes would presumably have size
zero too, but then the usual properties of pointer arithmetic would not apply
anymore. For example, let's assume ZeroSizedT is a zero-size type:
ZeroSizedT z[10]; … &z[i] - &z[j] // compute distance between pointers/addresses
Normally, the difference in the previous example is obtained by
dividing the number of bytes between the two addresses by the size of the type
to which it is pointing, but when that size is zero this is clearly not
However, even though there are no zero-size types in C++, the
C++ standard does specify that when an empty class is used as a base class, no
space needs to be allocated for it provided that it does
not cause it to be allocated to the same address as another object or subobject
of the same type. Let's look at some examples to clarify what this
so-called empty base class optimization (or EBCO) means in practice. Consider the following
// inherit/ebco1.cpp #include <iostream> class Empty { typedef int Int; // typedef members don't make a class nonempty }; class EmptyToo : public Empty { }; class EmptyThree : public EmptyToo { }; int main() { std::cout << "sizeof(Empty): " << sizeof(Empty) << '\n'; std::cout << "sizeof(EmptyToo): " << sizeof(EmptyToo) << '\n'; std::cout << "sizeof(EmptyThree): " << sizeof(EmptyThree) << '\n'; }
If your compiler implements the empty base optimization, it
will print the same size for every class, but none of these classes has size
zero (see Figure 16.2). This means that
within class EmptyToo, the class Empty is not given any space.
Note also that an empty class with optimized empty bases (and no other bases) is
also empty. This explains why class EmptyThree can also have the same
size as class Empty. If your compiler does not implement the empty base
optimization, it will print different sizes (see Figure 16.3).
Figure 16.2. Layout of EmptyThree by a compiler that implements the EBCO
Figure 16.3. Layout of EmptyThree by a compiler that does not implement the EBCO Consider an example that runs into a constraint of empty base optimization:
// inherit/ebco2.cpp #include <iostream> class Empty { typedef int Int; // typedef members don't make a class nonempty }; class EmptyToo : public Empty { }; class NonEmpty : public Empty, public EmptyToo { }; int main() { std::cout << "sizeof(Empty): " << sizeof(Empty) << '\n'; std::cout << "sizeof(EmptyToo): " << sizeof(EmptyToo) << '\n'; std::cout << "sizeof(NonEmpty): " << sizeof(NonEmpty) << '\n'; }
It may come as a surprise that class NonEmpty is not
an empty class After all, it does not have any members and neither do its base
classes. However, the base classes Empty and EmptyToo of
NonEmpty cannot be allocated to the same address because this would
cause the base class Empty of EmptyToo to end up at the same
address as the base class Empty of class NonEmpty. In other
words, two subobjects of the same type would end up at the same offset, and this
is not permitted by the object layout rules of C++. It may be conceivable to
decide that one of the Empty base subobjects is placed at offset "0
bytes" and the other at offset "1 byte," but the complete NonEmpty
object still cannot have a size of one byte because in an array of two
NonEmpty objects, an Empty subobject of the first element
cannot end up at the same address as an Empty subobject of the second
element (see Figure 16.4).
Figure 16.4. Layout of NonEmpty by a compiler that implements the EBCO
The rationale for the constraint on empty base optimization
stems from the fact that it is desirable to be able to compare whether two
pointers point to the same object. Because pointers are nearly always internally
represented as just addresses, we must ensure that two different addresses (that
is, pointer values) correspond to two different objects.
The constraint may not seem very significant. However, in
practice, it is often encountered because many classes tend to inherit from a
small set of empty classes that define some common typedefs. When two subobjects
of such classes are used in the same complete object, the optimization is
16.2.2 Members as Base Classes
The empty base class optimization has no equivalent for data
members because (among other things) it would create some problems with the
representation of pointers to members. As a result, it is sometimes desirable to
implement as a (private) base class what would at first sight be thought of as a
member variable. However, this is not without its challenges.
The problem is most interesting in the context of templates
because template parameters are often substituted with empty class types, but in
general one cannot rely on this rule. If nothing is known about a template type
parameter, empty base optimization cannot easily be exploited. Indeed, consider
the following trivial example:
template <typename T1, typename T2>
class MyClass {
T1 a;
T2 b;
It is entirely possible that one or both template parameters
are substituted by an empty class type. If this is the case, then the
representation of MyClass<T1,T2> may be suboptimal and may waste
a word of memory for every instance of a MyClass<T1,T2>.
This can be avoided by making the template arguments base
classes instead:
template <typename T1, typename T2> class MyClass : private T1, private T2 { };
However, this straightforward alternative has its own set of
problems. It doesn't work when T1 or T2 is substituted with a
nonclass type or with a union type. It also doesn't work when the two parameters
are substituted with the same type (although this can be addressed fairly easily
by adding another layer of inheritance; see page 287 or page 449). However, even
if we satisfactorily addressed these problems, a very serious problem persists:
Adding a base class can fundamentally modify the interface of the given class.
For our MyClass class, this may not seem very significant because there
are very few interface elements to affect, but as we see later in this chapter,
inheriting from a template parameter can affect whether a member function is
virtual. Clearly, this approach to exploiting EBCO is fraught with all kinds of
A more practical tool can be devised for the common case when a
template parameter is known to be substituted by class types only and when
another member of the class template is available. The main idea is to "merge"
the potentially empty type parameter with the other member using EBCO. For
example, instead of writing
template <typename CustomClass> class Optimizable { private: CustomClass info; // might be empty void* storage; … };
a template implementer would use the following:
template <typename CustomClass>
class Optimizable {
BaseMemberPair<CustomClass, void*> info_and_storage;
Even without seeing the implementation of the template
BaseMemberPair, it is clear that its use makes the implementation of
Optimizable more verbose. However, various template library
implementers have reported that the performance gains (for the clients of their
libraries) do justify the added complexity.
The implementation of BaseMemberPair can be fairly
// inherit/basememberpair.hpp #ifndef BASE_MEMBER_PAIR_HPP #define BASE_MEMBER_PAIR_HPP template <typename Base, typename Member> class BaseMemberPair : private Base { private: Member member; public: // constructor BaseMemberPair (Base const & b, Member const & m) : Base(b), member(m) { } // access base class data via first() Base const& first() const { return (Base const&)*this; } Base& first() { return (Base&)*this; } // access member data via second() Member const& second() const { return this->member; } Member& second() { return this->member; } }; #endif // BASE_MEMBER_PAIR_HPP
An implementation needs to use the member functions
first() and second() to access the encapsulated (and possibly
storage-optimized) data members.
The Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP)
This oddly named pattern refers to a general class of
techniques that consists of passing a derived class as a template argument to
one of its own base classes. In its simplest form, C++ code for such a pattern
looks as follows:
template <typename Derived> class CuriousBase { … }; class Curious : public CuriousBase<Curious> { … };
Our first outline of CRTP shows a nondependent base class: The
class Curious is not a template and is therefore immune to some of the
name visibility issues of dependent base classes. However, this is not an
intrinsic characteristic of CRTP. Indeed, we could just as well have used the
following alternative outline:
template <typename Derived> class CuriousBase { … }; template <typename T> class CuriousTemplate : public CuriousBase<CuriousTemplate<T> > { … };
From this outline, however, it is not a far stretch to propose
yet another alternative formulation, this time involving a template template
template <template<typename> class Derived> class MoreCuriousBase { … }; template <typename T> class MoreCurious : public MoreCuriousBase<MoreCurious> { … };
A simple application of CRTP consists of keeping track of how
many objects of a certain class type were created. This is easily achieved by
incrementing an integral static data member in every constructor and
decrementing it in the destructor. However, having to provide such code in every
class is tedious. Instead, we can write the following template:
// inherit/objectcounter.hpp #include <stddef.h> template <typename CountedType> class ObjectCounter { private: static size_t count; // number of existing objects protected: // default constructor ObjectCounter() { ++ObjectCounter<CountedType>::count; } // copy constructor ObjectCounter (ObjectCounter<CountedType> const&) { ++ObjectCounter<CountedType>::count; } // destructor ~ObjectCounter() { --ObjectCounter<CountedType>::count; } public: // return number of existing objects: static size_t live() { return ObjectCounter<CountedType>::count; } }; // initialize counter with zero template <typename CountedType> size_t ObjectCounter<CountedType>::count = 0;
If we want to count the number of live (that is, not yet
destroyed) objects for a certain class type, it suffices to derive the class
from the ObjectCounter template. For example, we can define and use a
counted string class along the following lines:
// inherit/testcounter.cpp #include "objectcounter.hpp" #include <iostream> template <typename CharT> class MyString : public ObjectCounter<MyString<CharT> > { … }; int main() { MyString<char> s1, s2; MyString<wchar_t> ws; std::cout << "number of MyString<char>: " << MyString<char>::live() << std::endl; std::cout << "number of MyString<wchar_t>: " << ws.live() << std::endl; }
In general, CRTP is useful to factor out implementations of
interfaces that can only be member functions (for example, constructor,
destructors, and subscript operators).
Parameterized Virtuality
C++ allows us to parameterize directly three kinds of entities
through templates: types, constants ("nontypes"), and templates. However,
indirectly, it also allows us to parameterize other attributes such as the
virtuality of a member function. A simple example shows this rather surprising
// inherit/virtual.cpp #include <iostream> class NotVirtual { }; class Virtual { public: virtual void foo() { } }; template <typename VBase> class Base : private VBase { public: // the virtuality of foo() depends on its declaration // (if any) in the base class VBase void foo() { std::cout << "Base::foo()" << '\n'; } }; template <typename V> class Derived : public Base<V> { public: void foo() { std::cout << "Derived::foo()" << '\n'; } }; int main() { Base<NotVirtual>* p1 = new Derived<NotVirtual>; p1->foo(); // calls Base::foo() Base<Virtual>* p2 = new Derived<Virtual>; p2->foo(); // calls Derived::foo() }
This technique can provide a tool to design a class template
that is usable both to instantiate concrete classes and to extend using
inheritance. However, it is rarely sufficient just to sprinkle virtuality on
some member functions to obtain a class that makes a good base class for more
specialized functionality. This sort of development method requires more
fundamental design decisions. It is therefore usually more practical to design
two different tools (class or class template hierarchies) rather than trying to
integrate them all into one template hierarchy.
Named template arguments are used to simplify certain class
templates in the Boost library. Boost uses metaprogramming to create a type with
properties similar to our PolicySelector (but without using virtual
inheritance). The simpler alternative presented here was developed by one of us
CRTPs have been in use since at least 1991. However, James
Coplien was first to describe them formally as a class of so-called patterns (see [CoplienCRTP]). Since then, many
applications of CRTP have been published. The phrase parameterized inheritance is sometimes wrongly equated
with CRTP. As we have shown, CRTP does not require the derivation to be
parameterized at all, and many forms of parameterized inheritance do not conform
to CRTP. CRTP is also sometimes confused with the Barton-Nackman trick (see Section 11.7
on page 174) because Barton and Nackman frequently used CRTP in combination with
friend name injection (and the latter is an important component of the
Barton-Nackman trick). Our ObjectCounter example is almost identical to
a technique developed by Scott Meyers in [MeyersCounting].
Bill Gibbons was the main sponsor behind the introduction of
EBCO into the C++ programming language. Nathan Myers made it popular and
proposed a template similar to our BaseMemberPair to take better
advantage of it. The Boost library contains a considerably more sophisticated
template, called compressed_pair, that resolves some of the problems we
reported for the MyClass template in this chapter.
boost::compressed_pair can also be used instead of our