The C++ String, Exception, Complex, and Pair Classes
The C++ String, Exception, Complex, and Pair Classes
In addition to the iostream library and the STL, the C++ standard library defines several other classes. While many of these are special-purpose classes, which are not discussed in this book, four are widely used, supporting strings, exceptions, complex arithmetic, and pairs of values. They are described here.
C++ supports character strings two ways. The first is as a null-terminated character array. This is sometimes referred to as a C string. The second way is as a class object of type basic_string. There are two specializations of basic_string: string, which supports char strings, and wstring, which supports wchar_t (wide character) strings. Most often, you will use string objects of type string. To use the C++ string classes, you must include <string>.
The basic_string class is essentially a container. This means that iterators and the STL algorithms can operate on strings. However, strings have additional capabilities.
A class used by basic_string is char_traits, which defines several attributes of the characters that comprise a string. It is important to understand that while the most common strings are made up of either char or wchar_t characters, basic_string can operate on any object that can be used to represent a text character.
The template specification for basic_string is
Here, CharType is the type of character being used, Attr is the class
that describes the character’s traits, and Allocator specifies the allocator. basic_string has the following constructors:
that describes the character’s traits, and Allocator specifies the allocator. basic_string has the following constructors:
explicit basic_string(const Allocator &a = Allocator( ));
basic_string(size_type len, CharType ch ,
const Allocator &a = Allocator( ))
basic_string(const CharType *str; const Allocator &a = Allocator( ));
basic_string(const CharType *str; size_type len,
const Allocator &a = Allocator( ));
basic_string(const basic_string &str, size_type indx = 0,
size_type len=npos, const Allocator &a = Allocator( ));
template <class InIter> basic_string(InIter start, InIter end,
const Allocator &a = Allocator( ));
The first form constructs an empty string. The second form constructs a string that has len characters of value ch. The third form constructs a string that contains the same elements as str. The fourth form constructs a string that contains a substring of str that begins at zero and is len characters long. The fifth form constructs a string from another basic_string using the substring that begins at indx that is len characters long. The sixth form constructs a string that contains the elements in the range specified by start and end.
The following comparison operators are defined for basic_string:
==, <, <=, !=, >, >=
Also defined is the + operator, which yields the result of concatenating one string with another and the I/O operators << and >>, which can be used to input and output strings.
The + operator can be used to concatenate a string object with another string object or a string object with a C-style string. That is, the following variations are supported:
string + string
string + C-string
C-string + string
The + operator can also be used to concatenate a character onto the end of a string.
The basic_string class defines the constant npos, which is –1. This constant represents the length of the longest possible string.
In the descriptions, the generic type CharType represents the type of character stored by a string. Since the names of the placeholder types in a template class are arbitrary, basic_string declares typedefed versions of these types. This makes the type names concrete. The types defined by basic_string are shown here:
size_type | Some integral type loosely equivalent to size_t |
reference | A reference to a character within a string |
const_reference | A const reference to a character within a string |
iterator | An iterator |
const_iterator | A const iterator |
reverse_iterator | A reverse iterator |
const_reverse_iterator | A const reverse iterator |
value_type | The type of character stored in a string |
allocator_type | The type of the allocator |
pointer | A pointer to a character within a string |
const_pointer | A const pointer to a character within a string |
traits_type | A typedef for char_traits<CharType> |
difference_type | A type that can store the difference between two addresses |
The member functions defined by basic_string are shown in the following table. Since the vast majority of programmers will be using char strings (and to keep the descriptions easy to understand), the table uses the type string, but the functions also apply to objects of type wstring (or any other type of basic_string).
Member | Description |
string &append(const string &str); | Appends str onto the end of the invoking string. Returns *this. |
Appends a substring of str onto the end of the invoking string. The substring being appended begins at indx and runs for len characters. Returns *this. | |
string &append(const CharType *str); | Appends str onto the end of the invoking string. Returns *this. |
string &append(const CharType *str, size_type num); | Appends the first num characters from str onto the end of the invoking string. Returns *this. |
string &append(size_type len, CharType ch); | Appends len characters specified by ch to the end of the invoking string. Returns *this. |
template<class InIter> string &append(InIter start, InIter end); | Appends the sequence specified by start and end onto the end of the invoking string. *this is returned. |
string &assign(const string &str); | Assigns str to the invoking string. Returns *this. |
Assigns a substring of str to the invoking string. The substring being assigned begins at indx and runs for len characters. Returns *this. | |
string &assign(const CharType *str); | Assigns str to the invoking string. Returns * this. |
string &assign(const CharType *str, size_type len); | Assigns the first len characters from str to the invoking string. Returns *this. |
string &assign(size_type len, CharType ch); | Assigns len characters specified by ch to the end of the invoking string. Returns *this. |
template<class InIter> string &assign(InIter start, InIter end); | Assigns the sequence specified by start and end to the invoking string. *this is returned. |
reference at(size_type indx); const_reference at(size_type indx) const; | Returns a reference to the character specified by indx. |
iterator begin( ); const_iterator begin( ) const; | Returns an iterator to the first element in the string. |
const CharType *c_str( ) const; | Returns a pointer to a C-style (i.e., null-terminated) version of the invoking string. |
size_type capacity( ) const; | Returns the current capacity of the string. This is the number of characters it can hold before it will need to allocate more memory. |
int compare(const string &str) const; | Compares str to the invoking string. It returns one of the following: |
int compare(size_type indx, size_type len, const string &str) const; | Compares str to a substring within the invoking string. The substring begins at indx and is len characters long. It returns one of the following: |
int compare(size_type indx, size_type len, const string &str, size_type indx2, size_type len2) const; | |
int compare(const CharType *str) const; | |
Compares a substring of str to a substring within the invoking string. The substring in the invoking string begins at indx and is len characters long. The substring in str begins at zero and is len2 characters long. It returns one of the following: Less than zero if *this < str Zero if *this == str Greater than zero if *this > str | |
Beginning at indx, copies len characters from the invoking string into the character array pointed to by str. Returns the number of characters copied. | |
const CharType *data( ) const; | Returns a pointer to the first character in the invoking string. |
bool empty( ) const; | |
iterator end( ); const_iterator end( ) const; | Returns an iterator to the end of the string. |
iterator erase(iterator i); | Removes character pointed to by i. Returns an iterator to the character after the one removed. |
iterator erase(iterator start, iterator end); | Removes characters in the range start to end. Returns an iterator to the character after the last character removed. |
string &erase(size_type indx = 0, size_type len = npos); | Beginning at indx, removes len characters from the invoking string. Returns *this. |
size_type find(const string &str, size_type indx = 0) const; | Returns the index of the first occurrence of str within the invoking string. The search begins at index indx. npos is returned if no match is found. |
size_type find(const CharType *str, size_type indx = 0) const; | Returns the index of the first occurrence of str within the invoking string. The search begins at index indx. npos is returned if no match is found. |
Returns the index of the first occurrence of the first len characters of str within the invoking string. The search begins at index indx. npos is returned if no match is found. | |
size_type find(CharType ch, size_type indx = 0) const; | Returns the index of the first occurrence of ch within the invoking string. The search begins at index indx. npos is returned if no match is found. |
size_type find_first_of(const string &str, size_type indx = 0) const; | Returns the index of the first character within the invoking string that matches any character in str. The search begins at index indx. npos is returned if no match is found. |
size_type find_first_of(const CharType *str, size_type indx = 0) const; | Returns the index of the first character within the invoking string that matches any character in str. The search begins at index indx. npos is returned if no match is found. |
Returns the index of the first character within the invoking string that matches any character in the first len characters of str. The search begins at index indx. npos is returned if no match is found. | |
size_type find_first_of(CharType ch, size_type indx = 0) const; | Returns the index of the first occurrence of ch within the invoking string. The search begins at index indx. npos is returned if no match is found. |
Returns the index of the first character within the invoking string that does not match any character in str. The search begins at index indx. npos is returned if no mismatch is found. | |
Returns the index of the first character within the invoking string that does not match any character in str. The search begins at index indx. npos is returned if no mismatch is found. | |
Returns the index of the first character within the invoking string that does not match any character in the first len characters of str. The search begins at index indx. npos is returned if no mismatch is found. | |
size_type find_first_not_of( CharType ch, size_type indx = 0) const; | Returns the index of the first character within the invoking string that does not match ch. The search begins at index indx. npos is returned if no mismatch is found. |
size_type find_last_of(const string &str, size_type indx = npos) const; | Returns the index of the last character within the invoking string that matches any character in str. The search ends at index indx. npos is returned if no match is found. |
size_type find_last_of(const CharType *str, size_type indx = npos) const; | Returns the index of the last character within the invoking string that matches any character in str. The search ends at index indx. npos is returned if no match is found. |
Returns the index of the last character within the invoking string that matches any character in the first len characters of str. The search ends at index indx. npos is returned if no match is found. | |
size_type find_last_of(CharType ch, size_type indx = npos) const; | Returns the index of the last occurrence of ch within the invoking string. The search ends at index indx. npos is returned if no match is found. |
Returns the index of the last character within the invoking string that does not match any character in str. The search ends at index indx. npos is returned if no mismatch is found. | |
Returns the index of the last character within the invoking string that does not match any character in str. The search ends at index indx. npos is returned if no mismatch is found. | |
Returns the index of the last character within the invoking string that does not match any character in the first len characters of str. The search ends at index indx. npos is returned if no mismatch is found. | |
size_type find_last_not_of(CharType ch, size_type indx = npos) const; | Returns the index of the last character within the invoking string that does not match ch. The search ends at index indx. npos is returned if no mismatch is found. |
allocator_type get_allocator( ) const; | Returns the string’s allocator. |
iterator insert(iterator i, const CharType &ch ); | Inserts ch immediately before the character specified by i. An iterator to the character is returned. |
string &insert(size_type indx, const string &str); | Inserts str into the invoking string at the index specified by indx. Returns *this. |
Inserts a substring of str into the invoking string at the index specified by indx1. The substring begins at indx2 and is len characters long. Returns *this. | |
string &insert(size_type indx, const CharType *str); | Inserts str into the invoking string at the index specified by indx. Returns *this. |
Inserts the first len characters of str into the invoking string at the index specified by indx. Returns *this. | |
string &insert(size_type indx, size_type len, CharType ch); | Inserts len characters of value ch into the invoking string at the index specified by indx. Returns *this. |
void insert(iterator i, size_type len, const CharType &ch) | Inserts len copies of ch immediately before the element specified by i. |
template <class InIter> void insert(iterator i, InIter start, InIter end); | Inserts the sequence defined by start and end immediately before the element specified by i. |
size_type length( ) const; | Returns the number of characters in the string. |
size_type max_size( ) const; | Returns the maximum number of characters that the string can hold. |
reference operator[ ](size_type indx) const; const_reference operator[ ](size_type indx) const; | Returns a reference to the character specified by indx. |
Assigns the specified string or character to the invoking string. Returns *this. | |
Appends the specified string or character onto the end of the invoking string. Returns *this. | |
void push_back(const CharType ch) | Adds ch to the end of the invoking string. |
reverse_iterator rbegin( ); const_reverse_iterator rbegin( ) const; | Returns a reverse iterator to the end of the string. |
reverse_iterator rend( ); const_reverse_iterator rend( ) const; | Returns a reverse iterator to the start of the string. |
Replaces up to len characters in the invoking string, beginning at indx with the string in str. Returns *this. | |
string &replace(size_type indx1, size_type len1, const string &str, size_type indx2, size_type len2); | |
Replaces up to len characters in the invoking string, beginning at indx with the string in str. Returns *this. | |
string &replace(size_type indx, size_type len1, size_type len2, CharType ch); | Replaces up to len1 characters in the invoking string beginning at indx with len2 characters specified by ch. Returns *this. |
Replaces the range specified by start and end with str. Returns *this. | |
Replaces the range specified by start and end with str. Returns *this. | |
string &replace(iterator start, iterator end, const CharType *str, size_type len); | Replaces the range specified by start and end with the first len characters from str. Returns *this. |
string &replace(iterator start, iterator end, size_type len, CharType ch); | Replaces the range specified by start and end with len characters specified by ch. Returns *this. |
template <class InIter> string &replace(iterator start1, iterator end1, InIter start2, InIter end2); | Replaces the range specified by start1 and end1 with the characters specified by start2 and end2. Returns *this. |
void reserve(size_type num = 0); | Sets the capacity of the string so that it is equal to at least num. |
void resize(size_type num) void resize(size_type num, CharType ch); | Changes the size of the string to that specified by num. If the string must be lengthened, then elements with the value specified by ch are added to the end. |
size_type rfind(const string &str, size_type indx = npos) const; | Returns the index of the last occurrence of str within the invoking string. The search ends at index indx. npos is returned if no match is found. |
size_type rfind(const CharType *str, size_type indx = npos) const; | Returns the index of the last occurrence of str within the invoking string. The search ends at index indx. npos is returned if no match is found. |
Returns the index of the last occurrence of the first len characters of str within the invoking string. The search ends at index indx. npos is returned if no match is found. | |
size_type rfind(CharType ch, size_type indx = npos) const; | Returns the index of the last occurrence of ch within the invoking string. The search ends at index indx. npos is returned if no match is found. |
size_type size( ) const; | Returns the number of characters currently in the string. |
string substr(size_type indx = 0, size_type len = npos) const; | Returns a substring of len characters beginning at indx within the invoking string. |
void swap(string &str) | Exchanges the characters stored in the invoking string with those in str. |