Catalog Data Solutions (CDS) has announced that ISC Engineering now incorporates CDS Modelserver and CDS Catalog to present and aid online selection of products and CAD model downloads. ISC Engineering provides over-moulding technology for OEM and cable assemblies companies. 'We want our customers to be able to find and download CAD models of our products to simplify the design process,' said Steve Burk, president, ISC Engineering. 'To do this, we now use CDS software for its functionality and low cost.
'The conversion process results in a satisfactory user experience for our customers,' he added. 'Online 3D models are an important sales and marketing tool for all industrial suppliers and distributors and this implementation exploits the Adobe 3D CAD capability to add another user convenience - all the ISC Engineering product CAD models are viewable with the Adobe 3D PDF viewer already installed on most PCs,' said John Major, chief executive, Catalog Data Solutions.