3D Mice Support Topsolid 7 CAD/CAM Software

3D Connexion
's range of 3D mice now supports the Missler Topsolid 7 integrated computer-aided-design/computer-aided-manufacturing (CAD/CAM) software solution. The 3D mice are intended to give Topsolid 7 engineers increased productivity and a more intuitive way to interact with their 3D designs for modelling, simulation and production.

They also give Topsolid 7 professionals a range of design performance and productivity benefits, including: improved control and navigation, allowing users to simultaneously pan, zoom and rotate models or simulations without stopping to select commands; greater productivity with customisable programmable buttons that provide quick access to commonly used Topsolid 7 commands; advanced design performance by aiding in the detection of design flaws and enhancing design review, verification and presentation; and increased comfort, with traditional mouse clicks reduced by up to 50 per cent.

Topsolid 7 is compatible with the entire 3D Connexion product line, including the Professional Series with the Spacepilot Pro (MSRP GBP299), Spacepilot (MSRP GBP199) and Space Explorer (MSRP GBP129); and the Standard Series with the Spacenavigator (MSRP GBP99) and Spacenavigator for Notebooks (MSRP GBP99).
