c/c++ Time, Date, and Localization Functions

Time, Date, and Localization Functions 


The C/C++ standard library defines several functions that deal with the date and time. It also defines functions that handle the geopolitical information associated with a program. These functions are described here.
In C, the time and date functions require the header <time.h>. For C++, the header is <ctime>. For ease of discussion, this chapter will use the C header name, but references to <time.h> also apply to <ctime>.
In <time.h> are defined three time-related types: clock_t, time_t, and tm. The types clock_t and time_t are capable of representing the system time and date as some sort of integer. This is called the calendar time. The structure type tm holds the date and time broken down into its elements. The tm structure contains the following members:

int tm_sec;  /* seconds, 0-61 */
int tm_min;  /* minutes, 0-59 */
int tm_hour; /* hours, 0-23 */
int tm_mday; /* day of the month, 1-31 */
int tm_mon;  /* months since Jan, 0-11 */
int tm_year; /* years from 1900 */
int tm_wday; /* days since Sunday, 0-6 */
int tm_yday; /* days since Jan 1, 0-365 */
int tm_isdst /* Daylight Saving Time indicator */
The value of tm_isdst will be positive if Daylight Saving Time is in effect, zero if it is not in effect, and negative if there is no information available. This form of the time and date is called the broken-down time.
In addition, <time.h> defines the macro CLOCKS_PER_SEC, which is the number of system clock ticks per second.
The geopolitical environmental functions require the C header <locale.h> or the C++ header <clocale>. It defines the structure lconv, which is described under the function localeconv( ).


#include <time.h>char *asctime(const struct tm *ptr);
The asctime( ) function returns a pointer to a string that contains the information stored in the structure pointed to by ptr converted into the following form:
day month date hours:minutes:seconds year\n\0
For example:
Fri Apr 15 12:05:34 2005
The structure pointed to by ptr is usually obtained from either localtime( ) or gmtime( ).
The buffer used by asctime( ) to hold the formatted output string is a statically allocated character array and is overwritten each time the function is called. If you want to save the contents of the string, you must copy it elsewhere.
Related functions are localtime( ), gmtime( ), time( ), and ctime( )


#include <time.h>clock_t clock(void);
The clock( ) function returns a value that approximates the amount of time the calling program has been running. To transform this value into seconds, divide it by CLOCKS_PER_SEC. A value of –1 is returned if the time is not available.
Related functions are time( ), asctime( ), and ctime( ).


#include <time.h>char *ctime(const time_t *time);
The ctime( ) function returns a pointer to a string of the form
day month year hours:minutes:seconds year\n\0
given a pointer to the calendar time. The calendar time is often obtained through a call to time( ).
The buffer used by ctime( ) to hold the formatted output string is a statically allocated character array and is overwritten each time the function is called. If you want to save the contents of the string, it is necessary to copy it elsewhere.
Related functions are localtime( ), gmtime( ), time( ), and asctime


#include <time.h>double difftime(time_t time2, time_t time1);
The difftime( ) function returns the difference, in seconds, between time1 and time2. That is, time2 – time1.
Related functions are localtime( ), gmtime( ), time( ), and asctime( ).


#include <time.h>struct tm *gmtime(const time_t *time);
The gmtime( ) function returns a pointer to the broken-down form of time in the form of a tm structure. The time is represented in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which is essentially Greenwich mean time. The time pointer is usually obtained through a call to time( ). If the system does not support Coordinated Universal Time, NULL is returned.
The structure used by gmtime( ) to hold the broken-down time is statically allocated and is overwritten each time the function is called. If you want to save the contents of the structure, you must copy it elsewhere.
Related functions are localtime( ), time( ), and asctime( ).


#include <locale.h>struct lconv *localeconv(void);
The localeconv( ) function returns a pointer to a structure of type lconv, which contains various geopolitical environmental information relating to the way numbers are formatted. The lconv structure contains the following members:

char *decimal_point;     /* Decimal point character
                            for nonmonetary values. */
char *thousands_sep;     /* Thousands separator
                            for nonmonetary values. */
char *grouping;          /* Specifies grouping for
                            nonmonetary values. */
char *int_curr_symbol;   /* International currency symbol. */
char *currency_symbol;   /* Local currency symbol. */
char *mon_decimal_point; /* Decimal point character for
                            monetary values. */
char *mon_thousands_sep; /* Thousands separator for
                            values. */
char *mon_grouping;      /* Specifies grouping for
                            monetary values. */
char *positive_sign;     /* Positive value indicator for
                            monetary values. */
char *negative_sign;     /* Negative value indicator for
                            monetary values. */
char int_frac_digits;    /* Number of digits displayed to the
                            right of the decimal point for
                            monetary values displayed using
                            international format. */
char frac_digits;        /* Number of digits displayed to the
                            right of the decimal point for
                            monetary values displayed using
                            local format. */
char p_cs_precedes;      /* 1 if currency symbol precedes
                            positive value, 0 if currency
                            symbol follows value. */
char p_sep_by_space;     /* 1 if currency symbol is
                            separated from value by a space, 
                            0 otherwise. In C99, contains a
                            value that indicates separation. */
char n_cs_precedes;      /* 1 if currency symbol precedes
                            a negative value, 0 if currency
                            symbol follows value. */
char n_sep_by_space;     /* 1 if currency symbol is
                            separated from a negative
                            value by a space, 0 if
                            currency symbol follows value.
                            In C99, contains a value that
                            indicates separation. */
char p_sign_posn;        /* Indicates position of
                            positive value symbol. */
char n_sign_posn;        /* Indicates position of
                            negative value symbol. */

/* The following members were added by C99. */
char _p_cs_precedes;     /* 1 if currency symbol precedes
                            positive value, 0 if currency
                            symbol follows value. Applies to 
                            internationally formatted values. */
char _p_sep_by_space;    /* Indicates the separation between the
                            currency symbol, sign, and a positive value.
                            Applies to internationally formatted values. */
char _n_cs_precedes;     /* 1 if currency symbol precedes
                            a negative value, 0 if currency
                            symbol follows value. Applies to 
                            internationally formatted values. */
char _n_sep_by_space;    /* Indicates the separation between the
                            currency symbol, sign, and a negative value.
                            Applies to internationally formatted values. */
char _p_sign_posn;       /* Indicates position of
                            positive value symbol. Applies to 
                            internationally formatted values.  */
char _n_sign_posn;       /* Indicates position of
                            negative value symbol. Applies to 
                            internationally formatted values.  */
The localeconv( ) function returns a pointer to the lconv structure. You must not alter the contents of this structure. Refer to your compiler’s documentation for implementation-specific information relating to the lconv structure.


#include <time.h>struct tm *localtime(const time_t *time);
The localtime( ) function returns a pointer to the broken-down form of time in the form of a tm structure. The time is represented in local time. The time pointer is usually obtained through a call to time( ).

Programming Tip 
The mktime( ) function is especially useful when you want to know on which day of the week a given date falls. For example, what day of the week is Jan 12, 2012? To find out, call the mktime( ) function with that date and then examine the tm_wday member of the tm structure after the function returns. It will contain the day of the week. The following program demonstrates this method:

/* Find day of week for January 12, 2012. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

char day[][20] = {

int main(void)
  struct tm t;

  t.tm_mday = 12;
  t.tm_mon = 0;
  t.tm_year = 112;
  t.tm_hour = 0;
  t.tm_min = 0;
  t.tm_sec = 0;
  t.tm_isdst = 0;

  mktime(&t); /* fill in day of week */

  printf("Day of week is %s.\n", day[t.tm_wday]);

  return 0;
When this program is run, mktime( ) automatically computes the day of the week, which is Thursday in this case. Since the return value of mktime( ) is not needed, it is simply ignored.
The structure used by localtime( ) to hold the broken-down time is statically allocated and is overwritten each time the function is called. If you want to save the contents of the structure, you must copy it elsewhere.
Related functions are gmtime( ), time( ), and asctime( ).


#include <time.h>time_t mktime(struct tm *time);
he mktime( ) function returns the calendar-time equivalent of the broken-down time found in the structure pointed to by time. The elements tm_wday and tm_yday are set by the function, so they need not be defined at the time of the call.
If mktime( ) cannot represent the information as a valid calendar time, –1 is returned.
Related functions are time( ), gmtime( ), asctime( ), and ctime( ).


#include <locale.h>char *setlocale(int type, const char *locale);
The setlocale( ) function allows certain parameters that are sensitive to the geopolitical environment of a program’s execution to be queried or set. If locale is null, setlocale( ) returns a pointer to the current localization string. Otherwise, setlocale( ) attempts to use the string specified by locale to set the locale parameters as specified by type. To specify the standard C locale, use the string "C". To specify the native environment, use the null-string "". Refer to your compiler’s documentation for the localization strings that it supports.
At the time of the call, type must be one of the following macros (defined in <locale.h>):
LC_ALL refers to all localization categories. LC_COLLATE affects the operation of the strcoll( ) function. LC_CTYPE alters the way the character functions work. LC_MONETARY determines the monetary format. LC_NUMERIC changes the decimal-point character for formatted input/output functions. Finally, LC_TIME determines the behavior of the strftime( ) function.
The setlocale( ) function returns a pointer to a string associated with the type parameter.
Related functions are localeconv( ), time( ), strcoll( ), and strftime( ).


#include <time.h>size_t strftime(char *str, size_t maxsize,  const char *fmt,
               const struct tm *time);
The strftime( ) function stores time and date information, along with other information, into the string pointed to by str according to the format commands found in the string pointed to by fmt and using the broken-down time pointed to by time. A maximum of maxsize characters will be placed into str.
In C99, str, fmt, and time are qualified by restrict.
The strftime( ) function works a little like sprintf( ) in that it recognizes a set of format commands that begin with the percent sign (%) and it stores its formatted output into a string. The format commands are used to specify the exact way various time and date information is represented in str. Any other characters found in the format string are placed into str unchanged. The time and date displayed are in local time. The format commands are shown in the table below. Notice that many of the commands are case sensitive.
The strftime( ) function returns the number of characters stored in the string pointed to by str or zero if an error occurs.

Replaced By
Abbreviated weekday name
Full weekday name
Abbreviated month name
Full month name
Standard date and time string
Last two digits of year
Day of month as a decimal (1–31)
month/day/year (added by C99)
Day of month as a decimal (1–31) in a 2-character field
(added by C99)
Year-month-day (added by C99)
Last two digits of year using a week-based year (added by C99)
The year using a week-based year (added by C99)
Abbreviated month name (added by C99)
Hour (0–23)
Hour (1–12)
Day of year as a decimal (1–366)
Month as decimal (1–12)
Minute as decimal (0–59)
A newline (added by C99)
Locale’s equivalent of A.M. or P.M.
12-hour time (added by C99)
hh:mm (added by C99)
Second as decimal (0–60)
Horizontal tab (added by C99)
hh:mm:ss (added by C99)
Day of week; Monday is first day of week (1–7) (added by C99)
Week of year, Sunday being first day (0–53)
Week of year using a week-based year (added by C99)
Weekday as a decimal (0–6, Sunday being 0)
Week of year, Monday being first day (0–53)
Standard date string
Standard time string
Year in decimal without century (0–99)
Year including century as decimal
Offset from UTC (added by C99)
Time zone name
The percent sign
C99 allows certain of the strftime( ) format commands to be modified by E or O. The E can modify c, C, x, X, y, Y, d, e, and H. The O can modify I, m, M, S, u, U, V, w, W, and y. These modifiers cause an alternative representation of the time and/or date to be displayed. Consult your compiler’s documentation for details.
A week-based year is used by the %g, %G, and %V format commands. With this representation, Monday is the first day of the week and the first week of a year must include January 4th.
Related functions are time( ), localtime( ), and gmtime( ).


#include <time.h>time_t time(time_t *time);
The time( ) function returns the current calendar time of the system. If the system has no time, –1 is returned.
The time( ) function can be called either with a null pointer or with a pointer to a variable of type time_t. If the latter is used, the variable will also be assigned the calendar time.
Related functions are localtime( ), gmtime( ), strftime( ), and ctime( ).
